Monday, February 20, 2012

Paddle to the Sea, by Guest Blogger Pearl

When she noticed me working on my review of Paddle to the Sea, my daughter Pearl asked if she could also write a review. So, please join me in welcoming my first guest blogger!

The   interesting   thing   about   Paddle   to   the   Sea,  is,   this   little   boy   hase  a  dream   thet   he   can   carv   a   toy   boat   thet   may   be  able   to   paddle   to   the   sea.   On   the   bottom   he   writes;  PLEASE   POOT   ME   BACK   IN   THE   WATER.   At   the   end  of  Winter   he  goes   to  a   large   slope   thet  is   covered   in   snow. In   Spring     the   snow    will   melt  and  Paddle   to   the Sea    will  began  his   jorny.  I loved the part where the frog jumped onto the boat and a water snake tried to eat the frog but the frog jumped on a lily pad.

By  Pearl, age 6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

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